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Sunday, March 16, 2008



The Copy stage is a processing stage. It can have a single input link and any number of output links. Follow this link for a list of steps you must take when deploying a Copy stage in your job.

The Copy stage copies a single input data set to a number of output data sets. Each record of the input data set is copied to every output data set without modification. This lets you make a backup copy of a data set on disk while performing an operation on another copy, for example.

Where you are using a Copy stage with a single input and a single output, you should ensure that you set the Force property in the stage editor TRUE. This prevents DataStage from deciding that the Copy operation is superfluous and optimizing it out of the job.


Options Category
Force. Set True to specify that DataStage should not try to optimize the job by removing a Copy operation where there is one input and one output. Set False by default.